Wednesday, 7 May 2008


A really useful book for me was imagemakers, (as seen here) it mainly helped with my character development, most people go to disney or aardman for this, but i wanted a different style, because I'm rotoscoping people so I wanted it to look sensitive to the person and their character, as well as being styleised and not chartoony!

Thats also why I looked at Quentin Blake and did a lot of film research, to help with the editing of my bus sequence! By looking at Quentin Blake I thought about Roald Dahl and suddenly remembered that James and The Giant Peach had been mad into a film ages ago, and that it was part film part animation! So thats been really useful to my research, especially on the transition between animation and live action!
Another really useful piece of research was the animation work from the company Psyop, i researched a lot of their stuff through youtube before discovering their website with an archive of their work on, i havn't looked through all the stuff on their but one of their newst ones is the addidas olympics, which has proved really interesting in terms of style for the animation, as it conbines a rotoscoped crowd with a live action main figure:

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